
Director of orthopedic and traumatology consulting room (S. Sebastiano Public Hospital, Frascati, Italy) Oct 2020 – present

Vice Director of Orthopedic and Traumatology Unit (S. Sebastian Public Hospital, Frascati, Italy) Jan 2022 – present

Director of Lower Extremities Complex Traumas Sub Unit (Bel Colle Public Hospital, Viterbo, Italy) Dec 2017 – Dec 2020

Orthopedic Emergency Room Assistant (S. Anna Public Hospital, Pomezia, Italy) May 2017 – Dec 2017

Orthopedic and Traumatologist Assistant (Rome American Hospital Private Clinic, Rome, Italy) Dec 2008 – Dec 2017

Orthopedic Emergency Room Assistant (City of Aprilia Public Hospital, Aprilia, Italy) Dec 2007 – Dec 2008

Vice Director of Orthopedic and Traumatology Department Nov 2007 – Dec 2014.


Specialità traumatologia complessa arti inferiori e chirurgia protesica anca ginocchio e caviglia ; chirurgia ortopedica caviglia e piede

Formazione High specialization in complex traumatology of the lower extremities and foot surgery in Bel Colle Public Hospital, Viterbo, Italy

Aree di azione Alluce valgo Sindrome del tunnel carpale Sindrome di de quervain Malattia di dupuytren Dito a scatto Metatarsalgie Dita a martello Piede reumatoide Mallett finger Alluce rigido